One of the privileges of serving as Grand Master is the opportunity to appoint five of the Grand Lodge officers, three of whom are generally new to such an office, i.e. the Grand Tyler, Junior Grand Deacon, and Grand Chaplain. A few words of introduction would not be out of place for the Brethren appointed to these three offices by Most Worshipful Brother Rick Schau.
Right Worshipful Brother Ronald L. Runion has been appointed to serve as Grand Tyler. This Brother has served for the last several years as the chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Education and Information. He is a Past Master of Wellington Lodge No. 127 as well as a Past District Education Officer and Past District Deputy Grand Master of the 22nd Masonic District.
Right Worshipful Brother William M. Carter III has been appointed to serve as Junior Grand Deacon. He has served as a member of the Grand Lodge Membership Committee and is a Past Master of Dover Lodge No. 489. He has also served the 22nd Masonic District as a District Education Officer and a District Deputy Grand Master. Right Worshipful Brother Carter has been a More Light Night speaker in several Districts on a range of topics from anti-Masonry to the Ancient Charges.
Right Worshipful Brother Robert D. Stands is the District Advisor of the 22nd Masonic District and a Past Master of Quarry Lodge No. 382. He too has served as a District Education Officer and a District Deputy Grand Master in the 22nd Masonic District.