
Aspired Living in Action

During Springfield Masonic Community’s (SMC) Aspired Living Launch Week each resident and staff member was asked to write something that they aspired to do on a star. Dawn Suchland, the A.D.O.N., brought Bill King, a resident who uses a wheelchair, to assist with ambulation to the launch events. She asked him if he had something that he aspired to do that she could write on his own star.  Bill spoke saying one of his aspirations was to be able to go back to his home church. During Lent they held special services each Wednesday and served lunch. Inspired by the new culture of aspired living Dawn arranged transportation to take him along with her to his church. While visiting Bill was able to meet with old friends, reminisce about the clothing store which he had owned, and worship God among some of his friends. “ It was so great to be able to go back to my church,” Bill said. “I really enjoyed visiting with my friends and reminiscing about the things we enjoyed in the past together.” Anne Tapogna, a resident at SMC,  was unable to see her father on Easter due to illness. Wishing to create a special time to make up for Easter, Dr. Tapogna planned to go to Red Lobster to have lunch with his daughter. SMC Security Guard and dream fulfiller, Larry Riley, drove a bus to take Anne to and from Red Lobster.  Roxana Eshelman, another aspired living proponent, who works for Cornerstone Helping Hands as a home health aide said she would go with the Tapognas to assist Anne with her meal.  As a result of the “yes, you can,” aspired living culture, both Dr. and Anne Tapogna were able to spend an enjoyable dinner together. Bingo is a very important event on the SMC campus, so much so that some of the residents have aspired to have a Bingo Bash.  Bill Irwin, a resident approached Linda McNeal-White,  SMC staff and said that he had a commercial Bingo machine that someone wanted to donate to the campus and would we want it. With a resounding “yes” it was settled and May will see the beginning of “Real Bingo,” much to the excitement of the residents. These events were not just one department or one company making the Aspirations of our residents happen but many working together for the good of our residents. A special thank you to all who were involved in making these special wishes come true for our residents.

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