
A Retirement Message from MWB C. Michael Watson

Eleven short years ago I was eagerly looking forward to the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. Maybe, I was even just a little giddy. The Grand Lodge Search Committee had asked if I would be interested in becoming Grand Secretary. After prayerful consideration, I eagerly accepted and accepted the vote of the delegates. How swiftly those sands flow through the hour-glass.

And, now some eleven years later, seemingly a blink of the eye, my term is coming to a close. Beginnings and endings are both special in their own way and each to their appointed time. The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us β€œTo everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” And, so now it comes my time to say farewell and goodbye to this marvelous experience and to the kind people who have made it possible.

The staff members at the office of the Grand Lodge are simply phenomenal. They work tirelessly to support the goals and direction of the Grand Lodge and in support of our Lodge Secretaries and membership. I thank the staff members for their friendship, their dedication and in the professionalism they exhibit every day. Many thanks to Gayle, Darlene, Julia and Doug.

How lucky I am to have had something that makes saying goodbye so hard. I have a lot of memories acquired over the years which shall remain with me till my dying day. My sincere thanks to each of you for your support and encouragement. For the warm handshakes and friendly greetings and slaps on the back as I visited your lodges and at your events. For the outpouring of Brotherly Love and Affection, thank you. Your continued support has meant a lot to me. I owe you a debt of thanks.

And, lastly, to my wife, Brenda, words cannot express my gratitude for your undying love and support. What an outlandish proposition it was that I resign from a nice paying job and professional career to become of all things, a Grand Secretary! But, you were so supportive of this unknown venture and have been a source of encouragement and inspiration every step of the way.

I now end this with the closing words I have used to conclude each of my talks over the years.

Until we meet again, God Bless.

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