
Assisting Masonic Widows

The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center wants to let you know about our renewed efforts to assist Masonic widows and widowers. Through the Resource Center we will be able to mail out a packet to widows and widowers upon the death of their spouse. Included in this packet will be information on important documentation to gather and numbers to call (Social Security, Medicare, etc.), as well as information on grief and loss, local resources and contact information for the Resource Center Liaison closest to the surviving spouse. We will enclose pamphlets tailored to their situation and follow up with a phone call and sympathy card. This is another way to express our Masonic Obligation of caring for our widows.

Our goal is to reach individuals before they are in crisis to be their advocate and to support them through their grieving process.

In Districts where we have a Masonic Volunteer Program Committee, our goal is to utilize willing volunteers to also follow up with those widows and widowers to offer additional support as needed. We are providing several options for getting the information to our team.

If you are aware of a Brother or their spouse who is widowed, please let us know by contacting us at 877-881-1623 or via our website at www.omhresourcecenter.org/secretaries

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